We turn your Google Docs into a platform for teamwork and easy access.

Definition of wiki

"A website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users."


The term "wiki" comes from the Hawaiian word "wiki wiki" which means "quick" or "fast".

Ward Cunningham, the creator of the first wiki software was inspired by the shuttle bus at Honolulu International Airport, which provides quick transportation between terminals.

WikiWikiWeb was the first wiki created in March, 1995. It was a simple web application that allowed users to create and edit web pages collaboratively.

Wiki Wiki Bus

How to make a wiki in 4 steps

  1. Have a source of content - your Google Docs
  2. Sign up for an account - start for free
  3. Connect your Google Drive
  4. Start editing your Google Drive like it's a wiki

Who builds You Need A Wiki?

Grant Kiely

Grant Kiely

Founder & CEO

California, USA

Ashley B.

Ashley B.

Customer Support representative

Emma F.

Emma F.

Customer Support representative

Grant Kiely

David Woolsey

Customer Support Engineer

Chris Y.

Chris Yu

Customer Support Engineer

Hey 👋 I'm Grant, the founder of You Need A Wiki.

I created You Need A Wiki when I was working for a business that was using using Google Docs/Drive for their internal documentation.

I was frustrated with the lack of organization and the difficulty of finding information. I wanted to create a better way for teams to document their processes and share knowledge that were already using Docs.

I wanted to create a wiki that was easy to use, fast, and accessible. I wanted to create a wiki that was built for teams that were already using Google Docs.

The goal of YNAW is to take the pain out of documentation for teams across all different organizations.

It takes all the best parts of Google Docs (Editing, formatting, versioning), sprinkles some wiki functionality on top, and creates something that you and your team will hopefully want to use and be compelled to contribute to.

We are in this for the long term, if you have feature suggestions you can submit them here: https://feedback.youneedawiki.com

We are continually working to make You Need A Wiki better for you.

Ready to start your own wiki?

Get started for free

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